winter Holidays Programming
From February, 2 2025 to March, 9 2025 : At 21:00: Polychromy of the Tympanum
regular program from April - october
- 21:00 : Presentation of the tympanum of the Last Judgment by a friar from the religious community of Conques (in French)
- 21:30 : Visit of the upper-gallery of the abbey-church (close to the Romanesque capitals and the contemporary glass windows by Pierre Soulages) - Access allowed from 12 years old ; fee 6€
- 22:15 : Polychromy of the Tympanum - By night, the progressive revealing of the colours offer a revisited reading of the 12th century tympanum and its 124 sculpted figures. Composing the Last Judgment and depicting the celestial Court, the angels, the elected, the condemned and other devils come to life.