To know all about our key events, the news of the moment or future on our destination.
9:30-12:30 and 14:00-18:30 (April-September) ; 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-17:30 (October-March)
The Treasure is open every day
9:30-12:30 and 14:00-18:30 (April-September) ; 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-17:30 (October-March)
The museum J-Fau is open from May to early November
Guided tours of the site are with a previous reservation.
email : contact@tourisme-conques.fr
05 65 72 85 00 (Office of Conques) - 05 65 71 13 18 (office of Marcillac)
The festivities start on Saturday 8th of October, with activities organized by the Friars Community of Conques:
The major procession with the golden reliquary-statue will be hel on Sunday 9th of October at 10:30am.
For more details related to the animations, contact the Abbey at 05 65 69 85 12 or click here
winter Holidays Programming
From February, 2 2025 to March, 9 2025 : At 21:00: Polychromy of the Tympanum
Following the experience of the « Great Sites in Midi-Pyrenees », the new region Occitanie unveiled the first list of touristic sites on the eve to become "Great Sites of Occitanie".
Conques belongs to the first round. To be admitted, the nominees must present a development strategy for their territory, while elaborating a transversal strategic project for 5 years, counting with the influence of this same territory, a guardian of stable activities and attractiveness.
The main objective of the process is to answer the travellers’ new concerns based on rich, unique and unusual experiences that give sense to their journey.