GR® Long Hikes

Nature and freedom lovers can unwind in the open air with long hikes (GR®) along the numerous trails across our destination Conques Marcillac.

The most famous trail, Saint-Jacques de Compostelle (GR®65) by the via Podiensis from Le Puy-en-Velay crosses the villages of Sénergues, Noailhac and of course Conques (ref. 651 Le Puy–Figeac).

The trail from Conques to Toulouse is an itinerary towards Compostela linking two major sites of pilgrimage, St. Foy Abbey-church of Conques and St. Sernin Basilica of Toulouse (réf. Topoguide FFRP n°3646 - out of stock, republishing on the way)

Discover the region of Rouergue following the GR®62 that crosses the department of Aveyron from the Grands Causses to the high lands of Lévezou towards Rodez until Conques (publishing stopped).

You may also hike from the mountains of Cantal towards the Lot Valley (GR®465) through the Plomb du Cantal, between Murat and Conques (réf. FFRP N°465).

Ideal settings for hiking

Our authentic villages are meant to be visited first of all by foot. They may be the starting points of numerous hiking loop circuits enabling you to explore our historic, cultural, architectural and natural heritage. You will find in the Office de Tourisme a hiking guide with the 22 most beautiful circuits in our destination Conques-Marcillac (French only).

Hiking leaflet to download: 


Find all the circuits from the zone according to your wish of difficulty: 


RANDO-FICHES à la demi-journée :